Yay. Drinks!

 | On (03/17 21:11), Alex J. Avriette wrote:
 | > Additionally, it is rumored that there will be a chapter on poe programmin
 | > in the new edition of Advanced Perl Programming.
 | no rumor. is fact.
 | way back when, there were several of us interested in writing poe books.
 | we talked about writing a big big together. and then seperate books.
 | then we talked to reps at publishers. no one was particularly interested
 | in a poe book (yes even ora. and yes i've talked with gnat). 
 | then we realized something. books are great. free stuff is better. in my
 | case, i asked myself the question "why do i want to write this book?"
 | apart from half dreams of being known for something other than annoying
 | the hell out of people, i realized that i simply wanted better poe docs.
 | i wanted poe documentation that was accessible, portable, and easy to
 | understand. so i started the poed project. not a whole lot has come of
 | it (i changed jobs shortly thereafter) but the beginnings of a
 | completely new set of documentation exists in cvs. 
 | i would positively buy drinks for people who help bring poed and the man
 | page rewrite to life again.  and in time, when the market's ready or
 | whatever, there's nothing saying that we can't just bundle up the new
 | docs we write, clean them up some, and publish those as books :)
 | --
 | Matt Cashner
 | http://eekeek.org
 | eek at eekeek dot org

    Chris Fedde
    303 773 9134

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