I had a user of my IRC bot report a bug which occurred when he used
pipsqueek on a network with "uncollideable channels" introduced in
IRCnet ircd 2.10 ( http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ircd/ircnet210.html )

The bot would connect fine and receive IRC events from PoCo::IRC, but
would not receive actual content (like channel names, privmsg text). 
The hack to fix it was by adding '!' to the public input parsing code in
POE::Filter::IRC.  Is this something that can be fixed upstream?

Also, it would be really cool if PoCo::IRC handled these channels
transparently... when you join the channel using the short version
(!foo), it actually returns a unique channel name that you need to use
for sending all subsequent messages/events to the channel (!2155foo).  I
assume PoCo::IRC could listen for this and keep a hash of name => ID
which it would then use to look up when posting to the server.  For a
normal channel, the hash would just contain the same value as the key.

I can put together some patches after the weekend if it seems worthwhile
to do so.  My thanks to Henri Vilminko for noticing the problem.


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