[1] I've upgraded to 0.63, and still get the error.

[2] There's also a bug in line 1165: a missing space
after 'delete'.


my $prev = $heap->{redir}->{$request_id}->{from};

[3] Also, at times the website being check starts
issuing http status codes 500 responses for valid
pages -- could this mean I am checking pages too
quickly?  The 500s come in batches, then go away.

I am using code very similar to Randal's "Doing More
Than One THing At Once",



On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 10:44:54AM -0400, Rocco Caputo
>  On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 01:08:44PM -0000,
PerlDiscuss - Perl Newsgroups and mailing lists 
>  > Hi -- 
>  > 
>  [...]
>  > 
>  > expected a request ID, but there is none at 
>  >
>  > 598.
>  > Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at
>  > E:/apps/perl/site/lib/POE/Resource/Events.pm line
>  > 03 during global destruction.
>  It looks like you may be using an outdated version
of the component.
>  The latest CPAN release is 0.63.  The error message
has moved from
>  line 598 to line 653 between your version and the
most recent one.
>  Please re-report the problem if you encounter it
with the latest
>  version.  Thanks!

I was experiencing the problem with 0.63.
Interestingly, if I change the line
in question to

  # Drop the wheel and its cross-references.
  my $request_id = delete $heap->
  return unless defined $request_id;

then at the point the program would normally error it
simply ceases to receive
successful HTTP responses. Haven't had time to figure
out why this is the case,
though - but I got a mail off-list about this earlier
as well so I'll try and
have a bash at it sometime next week if greater minds
haven't solved the
mystery by then.

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