j - 2 iterations
i - 150 iterations
150*2= 300 :)

double loop is just for 'sleep 1'

Maximum there must be not more than 197 connections, i don`t know why didn`t poe kill connection after DBI operation, after _stop function connection is still alive. Why? I don`t know :(

I tried ladbi, simpledbi modules - the same errors :( Can anyone help me ?

thank you

You start out by creating 298 sessions? j=1 less than 3, is two
iterations, two times i=1 less than or equal to 150 is 298? This happens
before you even start the kernel...

Why the double loop anyways?

for my $i (0..195) {

Code below: ________________________

use constant LADBI => "ladbi";
POE::Component::LaDBI->create( Alias => LADBI );
my $r;
for(my $j=1;$j<3;$j++)
for(my $i=1;$i<=150;$i++)
POE::Component::My::DBI->spawn(SQL => $SQL,EVENT => "insert");
print "$j : $i\n";
sleep 1;
exit 0;


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