On Nov 10, 2005, at 08:51, Mathieu Longtin wrote:

Speaking of which, I have been wondering why POE is
implemented with a whole bunch of names instead of
references. Any reason for that design decision?


$kernel->post('resolver', 'resolve',
              $host, 'A', 'IN');

Wouldn't it have been cleaner and less error prone to have
something like this:

$resolver->resolve(&response_callback, $host, 'A', 'IN');

Notice that this way, the compiler can catch most

POE has grown organically, building up from simple ideas with simple extensions. Not all of its growth is perfect.

There's a new project, POE::Stage on the CPAN. I hope it will formalize some of the stronger component design patterns that have arisen over the years. It includes a DNS resolver, but it's not as featureful as POE::Component::Client::DNS.

By the way, your cleaner example contains an error. :)

Rocco Caputo - http://poe.perl.org/

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