On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:33:39 -0500
Rocco Caputo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Why is this so ?  Isn't the alias for TCPServ 'bambi' and isn't it
> > registered ?

> "bambi" is the alias of the server itself, not that of a particular  
> connection.  Each session runs in a separate POE::Session, so each
> is a different post() destination.  They are not given aliases by  
> default, but you can register them on connection and remove them
> upon disconnect, similar to the way
> http://poe.perl.org/?POE_Cookbook/ Chat_Server does it.

Yes, I'm already using this mechanism.  But it relies on a TCP
connection to register the sender's ID.  I'm concerned with POE
messages, not the TCP stuff.  I got the following together to
demonstrate this.  It's just me, and most likely there's something I
did not grokked so far, but I find there's an inconsistency in the
alias interface.

Here goes.

The basic idea is that 'Alias =>' works only for the TCP Client and not
the Server.

So there's a Server that will receive a TCP message from 'outside'.
When it receives it, it uses $_[KERNEL]->post to send a POE message to
'bambi' :

   ClientInput => sub {
     $_[KERNEL]->post("bambi", "sendRequest", $_[ARG0]);

Now, if I create another module with a simple Session bearing the
'bambi' alias, it gets received:

   inline_states =>
    _start => sub {$_[KERNEL]->alias_set('bambi')},
    sendRequest => sub {print "Got it !\n"},

But if, instead of the Session above I use a Server::TCP component in
the following way, it does not work:

    Alias => 'bambi',
    InlineStates =>
     sendRequest => sub {print "Got it !\n"},

It works with TCP Client when the TCP Server below sends a POE message:

     Alias => 'lion',
     InlineStates =>
      msg => sub {
        print "  lion got: $_[ARG0]\n";

   Alias => 'bambi',
   ClientInput => sub {
     $_[KERNEL]->post("lion", "msg", $_[ARG0]);

But the other way, the Client sending a POE message to the Server,
does not work unless the Client's ID is used like this (i.e. the chat
server method) :

# That's the client registering the Server's ID after the server
# has sent a POE message:

 InlineStates =>
 msg => sub {
   $_[HEAP]->{scomms} = $_[SENDER]->ID;

# So when the Client receives data from ANOTHER server, it can
# send a POE message to the 'bambi' Server using the ID it has 
# saved previously:

 ServerInput => sub {
   $_[KERNEL]->post($_[HEAP]->{scomms} => FWreply => $_[ARG0]);

It is not possible to simply use the 'bambi' alias defined by the
Server itself.  But it's possible for the Server to use the alias
'lion' defined by the Client.  So far, I find this is a bit 
inconsistent.  Why should the 'Alias => ' work with the client 
and not with the Server ?  Would this be caused by launching all
modules from a main file and some data initialized prematurely ?

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