I'm working on improving the performance of our POE based application.
 Our application consists of clients built with POE::NFA that use a
POE::Component::Client::TCP to connect to a server.  It seems that we
max CPU utilization at around 300 clients.

I'm making use of POE::Devel::Profiler, and I'm trying to trim the fat
from our events as much as possible.  However, I was wondering if
there might be ways I can improve performance of the POE Kernel

Right now, we're using the default loop.  Would Glib or some other
loop perform better?  Is there a particular kernel or system
configuration that can significantly affect POE performance?

Would sessions be significantly faster than NFAs?  Is there a way to
improve performance of the TCP client component?

Also, does anyone know roughly how many events per second POE can
handle?  I did a barebones test that seemed to indicate 6000 events
per second, but I don't think my test was representative of the
conditions you have when you have hundreds of sessions throwing events


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