Something doesn't add up.  Maybe I'm missing a pertinent fact.

On one hand, if sockets are being kept alive between requests, why is Firefox opening a new socket for each request?

On the other hand, if Firefox is opening a new socket for each request, why isn't it closing the old ones?

Why isn't Firefox also running out of file descriptors, if it's opening new sockets without closing old ones?

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mar 21, 2007, at 15:50, Eric Busto wrote:

Firefox seems to keep them alive as well. Unfortunately, since the app
I am writing uses a meta refresh every few seconds to have the browser
reload it, a browser left up overnight will easily cause the app to run
out of file descriptors.

        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mathieu Longtin
        Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:27 PM
        To: Eric Busto
        Subject: Re: POE::Component::Server::HTTP, Keep alive, and
leaking sockets
        My memory is fuzzy, but I think if you close the browser,
especially if it's local, the sockets closes. I remember IE keeping the
connections alive for a while.
        On 3/21/07, Eric Busto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

                From what I have gathered, for a web server to be HTTP
1.1 compliant, it
                must support keep alive, and keep alive is enabled by
                When using POE::Component::Server::HTTP in its simple
case, as in the
                cookbook entry, keeping
                the connections open even after the event for the URL
request has been
                handled causes file descriptors to "leak" as the socket
will not get
                I can force the connection to get closed after the
                triggers by having a PreHandler like so:
                POE::Component::Server::HTTP->new (
                        Port            => 80,
                        PreHandler      => {
                                '/'             => sub {
$_[0]->header(Connection =>
                'close') }
                        ContentHandler  => {
                                '/'             => \&web_status,
                My question is, is this the "right" thing to do?  Is
there a more
                elegant method, or am I missing something that should be
obvious?  If
                I'm not missing anything, should this be added to the
cookbook page for
                a basic web server with PoCo::Server::HTTP?

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