POE 1.007 is on PAUSE, and it should be at your favorite CPAN mirror shortly. A number of my components have also been fixed, but their releases are delayed until POE 1.007 is thoroughly distributed. They'll help test POE more thoroughly that way.

Highlights of POE 1.007:

call() has been optimized slightly. DrGeek on irc.perl.org #poe pointed out in irc.perl.org that call() doesn't need to do a garbage collection check. It never intrinsically affects a session's reference count.

Michael Fowler fixed POE::Component::Server::TCP documentation and added a regression test for the component.

Philip Gwyn added a signal pipe to make signals more reliable when the USE_SIGNALS switch is enabled.

Gcola on irc.perl.org #poe did substantial testing on ActivePerl for Windows.

Adam Kennedy wrested some Windows machines from Microsoft for testing, which helped a lot.

Some of the signals tests were moved out to POE::Test::Loops so that other event loop adapter writers can take advantage of them. If POE::Loop authors have their own tests they'd like to share, let me know what I can include.

Clarified a couple warnings: the run() was never called warning now points to documentation to disable it. The PID reap warnings explain themselves better.

Rocco Caputo - rcap...@pobox.com

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