Winfried Neessen wrote:

I've written a server application using POE which is working pretty well
now. It's preforking some

processes and then listens on a TCP port to acceppt client request.

Now I'd like to run it independently, so my question is, is there an
easy way for me to run a POE

script daemonized (w/o having to use Unix backgrounding/forking)?
Any hint is greatly appreciated.




There are several ways you can accomplish this. I've been using Net::Server::Daemonize in $work code to good results. There's other modules floating around in the CPAN - all you need to do is a quick search of "daemon" and turns up 123 results!

However, one "gotcha" about using those daemonize modules is that you better wrap it in a BEGIN block so you are daemonized *before* you fire up POE or weird things will happen ( in my case heh )


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