From: "T.J. Mather" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Would there be any interest in having a C++ library developed in parallel
> with the Java POI libraries, including POIFS, HSSF, HDF?  The idea would
> be similar to how Xerces C++ and Java work, sharing a similar API and
> code structure.
> This way we would use POI in the various open-source office suites,
> including KOffice, and we could write wrappers to POI in Perl and other
> scripting languages.
> Dealing with MS Office file formats is hard, so I think it makes a lot
> of sense to combine all efforts across all languages into one project.
> It seems a lot easier to translate Java code to C++ than it is to grok the
> MS Office formats, and it would help the Java project too, because bugs
> found with the MS format could be applied to both C++ and Java packages.


What you propose is nice, although we would need to see where to position
the codebase, since Jakarta is for "solutions for the Java Platform"

What about exposing the POI API to C++ while keeping the codebase in Java?

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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