Since this is turning into a C vs C++ discussion I couldn't resist

I have worked on large projects that are written in C. Maintenance is a
complete mess. It is no fun trying to track down that one function
implementation through 150 source files. At least with C++, the
functionality is encapsulated and there is some sort of organization..

> > The usage from C applications is a very valid point.  To me this is the
> > strongest argument against using C++.

I don't really understand this. Maybe if  you have someone that refuses to
use a C++ compiler instead of a C compiler. I guarantee ALL C++ compilers
will compile a pure C program perfectly just not vice versa. Even if someone
wants to use their C compiler they could link to a library that used C
functions to expose the C++ implementation.

> I'm willing to compromise and gen C++ wrappers around the C code
I think it should be the other way around so it could be placed in a shared
library and linked to from a C program. To me, C++ is just C in an object
oriented wrapper so there is no point in wrapping C code with C++ because
that is what C++ already does.

> BAH HUMBUG!  C++ features are really BUGS in disguise.
I agree, C++ specific features are buggy (operator overloading, try-catch,
etc) and I try to never use them. C++ can be C with a different memory
management model, it is really up to the programmer.

C and C++ are both crappy and it has nothing to with whether or not its
object oriented. It is because there are a million different ways to confuse
the hell out of people that have to maintain the code once it is written.
Some people use tons of #define macros others use massive hierarchy of
include files. Some people use Hungarian notation others don't. Some people
use function arguments as return values. I have never seen a C or C++
program that was easy to maintain.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "POI Development" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: C++ Version of POI

> On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 20:23, T.J. Mather wrote:
> > Well I think there are strong points for C here:
> > * Compatility
> > * Usage from C applications
> > * Support from Andy et al.
> >
> > I think we can get around the compatibility by using a Portable subset
> > C++.  This is what many good C++ projects (Xerces, KDE, QT) do.
> >
> Thats difficult and requires a lot more debugging.  I think wrapping the
> C is easier.
> > The usage from C applications is a very valid point.  To me this is the
> > strongest argument against using C++.
> >
> And its insurmountable really.
> > I think the strong points for C++ are:
> > * Much easier to port from Java, since C++ is much closer to Java than C
> I disagree.  An adequate code generator will make this irrelevant.
> Besides any such advantage will be greatly exceeded by increased pain
> from c++ portability bug hunting and C++ quirkiness and C++ work
> arounds.
> > * Much easier to keep the development trees in sync, and improve
> >   the Java libraries from improvements in the C++ code.
> C++ is not MORE like Java than C is.  They're both different in
> different ways.
> > * Much more feature rich language
> >
> BAH HUMBUG!  C++ features are really BUGS in disguise.
> I'm willing to compromise and gen C++ wrappers around the C code and
> support both but I don't see me moving very far in the direction of C++
> in general.  I hate the language.  You'd sooner get me to agree to do it
> in D -- but its not *free* or
> widely used so nope.
> I'm sorry I really don't like C++ and think its a bad language that I
> hope gets replaced soon.  (So appealing to me about its features isn't
> going to work) C is good for what it is.  I wish we had a decent lower
> level widely accepted OO language but we don't.
> -Andy
> > -TJ
> >
> --
> - port of Excel/Word/OLE 2 Compound
> Document
>                             format to java
> - fix java generics!
> The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to
> vote.
> -Ambassador Kosh

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