From: "Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > It would be great to have an abstract code generator that would have
> > front-ends to generate Java, C, and C++.  I haven't studied the code
> > enough to know if this is feasible, but I would imagine we could
generate the
> > code to access many of the Excel and Word datatypes is this manner.

It would be really cool :-)

> > I'm going to take a crack at writing a C++ version of POIFS, that seems
> > like a good starting point.  We can always rewrite this in C later, or
> > not.  Anyway I don't want to take up any more time on this list
> > the relative merits of C++ vs C.
> >

Of course C is better   ;-)

Just joking, you are 100% right, just do it (read my bottom line).

> agreed.. . go ahead.  I'll apply the patches, but you're choosing far
> less support then if you went with C.  Marc Johnson is a very gifted
> programmer.  And the sole author of POIFS (I don't think any of my old
> code is still in there).
> Work with Ken on getting the build enhanced to support you.

Take a look at , the cpp task.

> We already DO do XML->Java code generation.  I'd really like to see you
> do a Java->C++ code generation and then later when we want something
> nicer we can write a Java->C style for it.  IF you go that route you
> might see if Avik's friends who want POI in J# are interested in
> collaborating on a generator.
> I wish you'd change you mind but I can see you're one of the C++ people
> who despite the obvious failure of the language still persist.

You just can't accept it, eh Andy? ;-P

> Please do at least TRY to make it portable.  I will support you if you
> take the code generator approach.  If its just a bunch of C++ code I'll
> apply the patches....but I won't like it.  And it wont be useful to me
> so I probably won't do much coding on it.
> Once you get a working POIFS we'll announce the new wing of the project
> on the homepage and all.  Please follow the POI project coding
> conventions in *spirit* (they say Javadoc but you know what we mean).

Use Doxygen, and you can write Javadoc tags .
Besides, it also has an Ant task that I have already used and that works

> One more thing, please sign and return this:
> And note that you cannot submit patches if you've received any
> OLE2CDF/Excel or Word specs under a non-disclosure agreement.   (I know
> this seems like....duh...but the warning labels on bleach that say not
> to drink it are there for a reason)..
> I look forward to you first patches....even if you choose that
> detestable bastardized language...  I suppose it could be worse....It
> could be Visual Basic or C#....but *shrug*..

Or M$ batch files ;-P

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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