From: "Glen Stampoultzis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Amazingly the logging still seems to produce problems for our users.  It's
> really quite amazing how a simple thing such as logging can cause so many
> problems.
> I am thinking perhaps we should simply be getting rid of logging from our
> application.  I can see these potential options:
> 1. Comment out logging in such a way that it can be reenabled easily
> all our logging to one point this should be simple).
> 2. Remove it all entirely.
> 3. Only load commons logging if a system property is setup.
> 4. Keep it in and try and resolve why we're having all these problems.
> 5. Roll our on simplified logging.
> Thoughts?

This entire logging thing taught me something: there are two types of
One is designtime, the other runtime.

Our problems come from the fact that all systems using commons logging use
the same mechanism for initialization, so there is coexistence problem.
For example, if the web server uses it and defaults to using a "warn" level
logging with jdk1.4, we get it too, or they get ours; it all depends on
which class gets loaded first.

Ok, simply put:
In POILogFactory, we need to check *our* property, that tells to use
If that property is not there, default to the noop logging.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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