Something that is kind of along the same lines, especially with the upcoming
release, is that we need javadocs to hang off the site for the released
version.  The javadocs for the development version can still be on the page
but possibly in a sub menu (tab?) on development.  This would avoid some
confusion with uses who see a certain feature available in the javadocs but
does not work because they have the most current release and not the head.

I do realize that this is still in on going development but we are starting
to getting a good enough release and large enough base that many want
need/want to use the development head.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glen Stampoultzis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 6:08 AM
Subject: POI Website

As the project as matured the POI web site has grown organically to 
accommodate that growth.  Unfortunately I think we're now at the stage were 
things are a bit messy and it's not holding together as well as it once may 

I'd like to open up discussions as to what you think the main problems are 
and some idea's how we might fix them without having to invest huge amounts 
of time in complete rewrites.

I'll kick it off with a few things I can see:

Problem)  Some of the content is out of date.
Potential Solution)  Identify out of date content and rewrite it.

Problem)  The navigation system is kind of awkward.
Potential Solution)  Tabs for each project?
Potential Solution)  More clearly defining user oriented content and 
developer oriented content.
Potential Solution)  Maybe using forrest sitemaps will give us better

Problem)  How do we keep the translations up to date?  For instance I just 
noticed that the german translations still point to the old download
Potential Solution)  Need owner for each translation who is willing to 
watch for changes as they come through.


Glen Stampoultzis

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