--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> -1 on committing any patches without unit tests
> anymore.  It 
> destabilizes code too much.  Even to scratchpad
> because then the code 
> never moves out of scratchpad.  We learned this
> lesson already.  It 
> doesn't matter how good or bad or how much we want
> it...no unit tests + 
> doco...it stays as patches in bugzilla.

Wow... Ok. Fine by me.


* Unit tests:
do you mean *all* unit tests, some unit tests that
basic flows or unit tests with complete code coverage?

(I'm asking for the min criteria to get this into 
I hope you mean its ok to have failing unit tests
for functionality that is not yet implemented?

Also I guess that means that I'm on my own till the 
code moves into CVS? Again, fine by me, but if there 
are any ideas to enable distributed development w/o 
putting it into CVS, they are welcome.

* Docos... 
I assume javadocs. Correct me if you meant

~ amol

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