On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Rainer Klute wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 27.06.2006, 13:06 +0100 schrieb Henri Yandell:
> > The recent committer and release vote are another example that the 'we
> > want to be a separate sub-community' doesn't work with the way an
> > Apache TLP is nowadays. Neither vote (until recently) had even one PMC
> > member voting on it.
> >
> > So I want to say again that the best way to have the independence POI
> > wants - is to be a TLP. Otherwise it's just painful for everyone.
> Being a POI committer I'd say that this would be okay for me

Having attended a bunch of ApacheCon talks on the ASF, and spoken to a
number of people, I the important change would be for committers.

As I've always understood it, poi doesn't differenciate between committers
and PMC members. If you're a committer, your vote counts for us.

There's only one snag - that isn't actually how it works. In the ASF, only
PMC members have binding votes. Committers don't, and most of us are
Jakarta committers, not Jakarta PMC members.

With the large projects, there is a difference between committer and PMC
member. If you're not on the PMC, then you don't get to vote for new
releases, code changes, or new committers/PMC members. You have a say, but
not a binding vote. Only the PMC members get to vote.

In small projects, all committers are also on the PMC. Everyone has the
same status, and everyone can vote.

So, I would advoate that we move to our own TLP, and make all committers
PMC members. We will then have the situation we all thought we had, and
everything will be good :)

Oh, and on the bureaucracy angle - I think that we won't really have any
more in our on TLP than we have as part of Jakarta. For those currently on
the Jakarta PMC, there should even be a reduction.

What does everyone else think?


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