Why not just compile with GCJ and then wrap that?

Seems weird to go 3 techs deep...

Also there are C utils for OLE and XLS. Check out open office and gnumeric...use those...doesn't make sense to use C->Ruby->POI

Jeff Swensen wrote:
I am attempting to write my own C wrapper for the POI Ruby bindings and
am looking for some guidance.  I compiled poi4r using the swig wrapper
only to result in a segfault which I'm unable to track down.  It also
seems that swig generates a lot of unnecessary bloat while creating the
wrapper, which is why I decided to try to replace it with my own version
(also partly due to some feedback from my boss who seems to dislike swig
quite a bit).

Are there any resources you could point me to for writing the ruby
interface?  I understand that at the most basic level I need to define
all of the Java classes and public methods, but after that I'm at a
loss.  I've tried googling but I can't find any examples of writing a c
extension to wrap compiled java for ruby.


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