
You can certainly wrap stuff on your own, but I would figure it will be a lot 
of work, which is reason I started on swig. I wouldnt start on it unless you 
either have a lot of time, or some significant experience writing C 
extensions for ruby (neither of which is true for me)

You'l have to declare the function signatures to call from ruby, convert 
objects (eg ruby strings to gcj string objects) and handle memory allocation 
and de-allocation on either side. Both ruby and java being garbage collected, 
not only will you have to worry about leaks, but also premature collection. has the basics.   You've 
probably  already seen this.

With swig, you still have to worry about all this, but a lot of the 
boilerplate is generated. For eg, you'll have to write the object wrapping 
code once, and not worry about calling it every time an object is referenced. 

As for segfaults, the whole thing, i've found, is quite sensitive to swig 
version. Maybe you can try with an older swig version?


On Thursday 22 Mar 2007 3:03:11 am Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> Okay from Ruby on Linux...yes POI-ruby is probably your best option
> I thought you were doing from C on Linux....  Hopefully Avik is around
> and he can help... I'll ping him if he doesn't answer.
> Jeff Swensen wrote:
> > I might be stating my intention incorrectly.  I have the relevant bits
> > from poi-ruby compiled with gcj, and am attempting to wrap that myself
> > instead of using SWIG.
> >
> > As far as open office and gnumeric, I have been unable to find a fully
> > featured discrete library for writing XLS files from ruby on linux.
> > Would be most appreciative if you could point me to one.
> >
> > Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> >> Why?
> >> Why not just compile with GCJ and then wrap that?
> >>
> >> Seems weird to go 3 techs deep...
> >>
> >> Also there are C utils for OLE and XLS.  Check out open office and
> >> gnumeric...use those...doesn't make sense to use C->Ruby->POI
> >>
> >> Jeff Swensen wrote:
> >>> I am attempting to write my own C wrapper for the POI Ruby bindings and
> >>> am looking for some guidance.  I compiled poi4r using the swig wrapper
> >>> only to result in a segfault which I'm unable to track down.  It also
> >>> seems that swig generates a lot of unnecessary bloat while creating the
> >>> wrapper, which is why I decided to try to replace it with my own
> >>> version (also partly due to some feedback from my boss who seems to
> >>> dislike swig quite a bit).
> >>>
> >>> Are there any resources you could point me to for writing the ruby
> >>> interface?  I understand that at the most basic level I need to define
> >>> all of the Java classes and public methods, but after that I'm at a
> >>> loss.  I've tried googling but I can't find any examples of writing a c
> >>> extension to wrap compiled java for ruby.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Jeff
> >>>
> >>>
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