Tytulem proby i pierwszego mojego pojawienia sie na tej
liscie, (spozniony) glos do dyskusji sprzed tygodnia o
Stanislawie Ulamie i jego roli w konstrukcji bomby

11 stycznia PBS nadala godzinny
program zatytulowany "Race for the Superbomb" poswiecony
budowie bomby wodorowej. Bylo tam duzo o Ulamie, ktory
zostal wspomniany jako wspoltworca bomby H wspolnie z
Edwardem Tellerem.

W wielu miejscach programu projekt ow byl nazywany
projektem Tellera-Ulama, zas rola Ulama w jego
powodzeniu decydujaca.

Krotki zyciorys Ulama wraz z detalicznym transkryptem
(superciekawego) programu telewizyjnego mozna znalezc na
WWW pod: http://www.pbs.org/:

   Stanislaw Ulam (1909-1984)
   Polish-born mathematician Stanislaw Ulam
   obtained his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute
   in Lvov in 1933. In 1935 he received an invitation
   from mathematician John von Neumann to visit
   the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for a
   few months. Ulam left his homeland for good in
   1939, teaching first at Harvard University and
   then at the University of Wisconsin. In 1943 he
   was recruited to work on the U.S. atomic bomb
   project. And in 1951, Ulam and physicist Edward
   Teller came up with a design for the first U.S.
   H-bomb. Together with von Neumann, Ulam also
   developed the "Monte Carlo method," a
   procedure that enables mathematicians to solve
   complicated problems by making approximations.
   Ulam wrote a number of books including: "Sets,
   Numbers and Universes," (1974); and his
   memoirs, "Adventures of a Mathematician."
   obtained his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute
   in Lvov in 1933. In 1935 he received an invitation
   from mathematician John von Neumann to visit
   the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for a
   few months. Ulam left his homeland for good in
   1939, teaching first at Harvard University and
   then at the University of Wisconsin. In 1943 he
   was recruited to work on the U.S. atomic bomb
   project. And in 1951, Ulam and physicist Edward
   Teller came up with a design for the first U.S.
   H-bomb. Together with von Neumann, Ulam also
   developed the "Monte Carlo method," a
   procedure that enables mathematicians to solve
   complicated problems by making approximations.
   Ulam wrote a number of books including: "Sets,
   Numbers and Universes," (1974); and his
   memoirs, "Adventures of a Mathematician."

Przytoczyl pjf
(Peter J. Freier)

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