>>> Marcin Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/08 11:33 am >>>
Kto liczy glosy w amerykanskich wyborach?
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Ja tego zupelnie nie rozumiem. Czy moze mnie ktos

Marcin Mankowski

Nie mieszkam w USA i wydawalaby mi sie oczywiste, ze ktos kto liczy glosy w czasie 
wyborow to ktos kto podlega kontroli  wyborcow i tych co startuja w wyborach. Bylam 
wczoraj zdumiona, ze poczatkowo podano, ze Floryde wzial Gore i jak niezadlugo sie 
dowiedzialam, ze ten stan byl  " wziety" mimo, ze jeszcze ludzie glosowali. Po prostu 
media robia exit poll i na podstawie tego podawali w tv kto gdzie zwyciezyl.  No coz, 

a to kawalek tego  kto liczy glosy ( dla tych co nie maja czasu  ; -)

       Despite the wide-spread, and perfectly reasonable belief
  that the government counts the national vote on election night,
  the reality is entirely different: The vote is counted by a
  little-known private corporation named Voter News Services
  (VNS) located in New York City. VNS is a major media
  conglomerate comprised of all the major networks, including
  Fox and CNN, and also the wire services, the New York
  Times, and the Washington Post. All of the vote results
  tabulated in each county, mainly by computer, are transferred
  to VNS where they are tabulated in secret and disseminated
  to the public, who accepts them without question. The
  computer tabulated votes at the county level leave no paper
  trail. Only the corporations who program the software to count
  votes in each state know for sure if the results are fair, or if
  fraud has indeed been been committed. There are no checks
  and balances. The software is not open to public scrutiny.
  Neither is VNS.

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