Artem Bokhan wrote:
>> The hole comes from the fact that batch mailers / spammers
>> who often send in batches of 25/50/100 no longer have do
>> have greylisting applied to all the intended recipients.
> If the one message from the batch passes through greylisting, then 
> reasonably to assume, that other messages from the batch will pass too.

Thats precisely what you do not want. The whole point is to leave
SPAM messages in the senders queue so that it becomes saturated.
(when bulk messages are being sent)

Legit mail will always come shortly after.

As for spam that is not batched up, you are crippling Policyd
and greylisting's effectiveness. As soon as 1 message accepted,
the spammer has free reign to pump as much garbage into your
valid recipients mailboxes as possible.

> So there is no difference between greylisting on duplet (when recipient 
> is NULL with postfix smtpd_data_restrictions) and triplet (in case of 
> multiply rcpt's per envelope).

Please feel free to post your suggestions to the author who came
up with the Greylisting concept:


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