Artem Bokhan wrote:
> The reason of this behaviour is:
> I use policyd with smtpd_data_restrictions to allow fast sender 
> verification by foreign clients.
> With smtpd_data_restrictions and multiply rcpt's per envelope no 
> recipients are passed to policyd by postfix.
> Uder that conditions this part of code causes an error
>     if(triplet_array[fd][2][0] == 0x00) {
>       logmessage("invalid triplet_array[%d][2]: (greylist recipient): 
> %s\n", fd, triplet_array[fd][2]);
>       goto err;
>     }
> it would be nice if checking of NULL recipient would be configurable.

You can not use greylisting without *all* the required information
needed to make the "triplet". A better / robust solution is to have
2 instances of Policyd, one that does greylisting which happens at
the recipient_restrictions and one that does throttling at endofdata.


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