At 11:43 AM 10/5/2007, Tobias Kreidl wrote:

>The issue of having the LIMIT set, period, instead of it being an option
>is a concern.
>If one ever gets behind, ti would appear that depending on the load,
>you'd never catch up.


>Your point was that there are times where you might actually deal with
>over 100,000 messages within an hour and
>if that's sustained over a few hours, the cleanup will never catch up
>(unless it's aware that it hit the limit and is started
>up again).  So, I agree with your concern about the LIMIT being
>implicitly set and would suggest that this could perhaps at least be
>overridden through a command line variable.

Exactly.  And in my case if there were sustained > 100000 messages 
per day (which is a very real possibility for many) it would never 
catch up.  A command variable or config option would be a great 
solution if there is hesitation of removing it all-together.

- Nate 

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