
as I have some google strings for "Mail appeared to be SPAM or forged.
Ask your Mail/DNS-Administrator to correct HELO and DNS MX settings" in my
logs I thought I setup a site which gives some basic SMTP explanations
to the admins.

The URL will be http://www.policyd-weight.org/mtahelp.html

I am asking for help to either a) complete the page or b) give additional
info or links for configuring the major MTAs properly.

The page should give intuitive help for the qmail, exim, sendmail, exchange and
of course postfix admins in terms of

    - what obviously caused this message, which program is responsible for
    - how to setup a correct HELO (MTA, DNS (requirements))
    - how to do in the lack of a reverse DNS or being
      a dynamic host (speaking of DynDNS)
    - what are bogus MX records, how to verify for their own
      HELO/SENDER domain, and so on
    - what to do in case of RBL listings (contacting the postmaster who
      uses policyd-weight)
    - ...

In short, the basic principles for each MTA.

I know there was some site around which already explained MTA principles but
from my memory that site was rather non-intuitive and lost in unstructured
detail and also not complete.

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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