On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 01:46:21PM -0600, Paul Schmehl wrote:
> The DNS stuff is "generic", so perhaps it should have its own section.
> Basics are:
> An entry in the zone file that looks like this:
> @                       IN      MX      10      hostname.domain.tld.
> An "A" record in the zone file that looks like this:
> hostname                   IN      A       IP.AD.DR.ESS
> A "PTR" (reverse) record in the reverse file that looks like this:
> IP.AD.DR.ESS               IN      PTR     hostname.domain.tld
> To test it:
> dig -x IP.AD.DR.ESS must return hostname.domain.tld
> ESS.DR.AD.IP.in-addr.arpa. 21600 IN   PTR     hostname.domain.tld.
> dig -t MX domain.tld must return hostname.domain.tld
> domain.tld.          28800   IN      MX      10 hostname.domain.tld.

Yes, someone who takes the challenge to write and update a pretty, down to the 
point, non-overloaded shiny site would be appreciated.

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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