Hello list

I am playing around with Senderbase (www.senderbase.org) and want to integrate 
it into policyd-weight. Currently I am using Net::SenderBase 
(http://search.cpan.org/~msergeant/Net-SenderBase-1.01/) and it works very 
well. The information of the returned codes of Senderbase are not anymore 
online but can be read on the web archive 

In SpamAssassin they had used two calculations for scoring with data from 
# SenderBase information <http://www.senderbase.org/dnsresponses.html>
# these are experimental example rules

# sa.senderbase.org for SpamAssassin queries
# query.senderbase.org for other queries
header __SENDERBASE eval:check_rbl_txt('sb', 'sa.senderbase.org.')
tflags __SENDERBASE net

# S23 = domain daily magnitude, S25 = date of first message from this domain
header SB_NEW_BULK              eval:check_rbl_sub('sb', 'sb:S23 > 6.2 && (time 
- S25 < 120*86400)')
describe SB_NEW_BULK            Sender domain is new and very high volume
tflags SB_NEW_BULK              net

# S5 = category, S40 = IP daily magnitude, S41 = IP monthly magnitude
# note: accounting for rounding, "> 0.3" means at least a 59% volume spike
header SB_NSP_VOLUME_SPIKE      eval:check_rbl_sub('sb', 'sb:S5 =~ /NSP/ && S41 
> 3.8 && S40 - S41 > 0.3')
describe SB_NSP_VOLUME_SPIKE    Sender IP hosted at NSP has a volume spike
tflags SB_NSP_VOLUME_SPIKE      net

Does any one have experience with Senderbase data? What other values could be 
useful for scoring?

When I look at Senderbase (for example: 
 then I see that they calculate a "Vol Change vs. Last Month" per IP. How is 
that done? Does any one know that (I can't find the values for "Last Month" in 
the result from Senderbase)?

I think it would be great to include Senderbase into policyd-weight since it is 
basically one DNS lookup with a lot of possible scoring values (IronPort uses 
60 calculations for scoring with their product). The Net::SenderBase module 
could be avoided by directly querying the TXT record  at senderbase.org and 
policyd-weight already has DNS lookup functionality. On the other hand 
Net::SenderBase has a nice way to query data over HTTP if needed.

What is your opinion on this? Could that be useful for us policyd-weight users?

// Steve
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