Yuri Kochnev <koch...@jinr.ru> wrote:
> Hi list!
> Running polipo 1.1.1-5 on raspbian linux. To access some web-pages
> (scientific libraries) from my network one has to use HTTP-proxy. The
> proxy has download limit, so I don't want to use it for all pages, but
> only for those specific pages. Currently I do the following. When I
> want to access any of those pages I change polipo's config (parentProxy
> string), restart service and everything works. Once done I'm changing
> it back. Is there better way of doing it? I would like to specify in
> config parentProxy for some pages and no proxy for the rest.
> Yuri


Many web browsers support exceptions in their proxy configuration. You
can instruct the web browser to use the proxy and then add a list of
addresses or sites that you want to use with no proxy. This
configuration does not depend on the proxy. If you are using something
like Firefox it should be easy.

My own setup is like this:


I think Polipo does not support selecting different parent proxies in a
smart way, but Privoxy does. If you don't have an adblocking solution in
place you might consider adding Privoxy in order to have both ads
blocked and parent proxy automatic selection. 

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