This seems to suggest that the Saudis are allies of the neocons.  

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
  November 23-26, 2006 -- Informed sources in Washington have  told WMR that 
President George Bush will secretly meet in Jordan next week with  a high-level 
delegation from the Syrian government. If the meeting does take  place, it will 
mark a drastic change in course for the Bush administration which  has been 
under the control of the neo-con factions that have attempted to push  the 
United States into a war with both Syria and Iran. A Bush-Syrian meeting  also 
puts into question what Dick Cheney is actually up to in the Middle East,  
scheduling a surprise visit to Iraq with a side trip to Saudi Arabia.
 With Cheney in Saudi Arabia, there may be an attempt by remaining  neocon 
forces in the Bush administration to scuttle the opening dialogue with  
Damascus and Tehran. The presence of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in  
Jordan this week may also involve setting the stage for the Bush-Syrian meeting 
 next week although it has been billed as a visit to jump start  
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.


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