> I was on to the John Hagee issue months ago in this very group and
warned about the developing situation.  Most conspiracy researchers are
not paying attention and are still digging around in oil industry issues
to try to explain the bizarre behavior of the neocon-controlled
Bush/Cheney regime.

Yes! My problem is still that I would need to study the separate 
s>  US right wing characters much more extensively to keep them apart in
separate mental spaces. I noticed though early that the political
sectors of Iran Contra and the religious parts merge at times: e.g.
Oliver North and that the US brings out things in religions that might
have been a much more secret layer before: money, power to move the
>   Do you appreciate that the official mainstream Israel lobby,
including both AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations, is now completely in bed with Christian Zionists
and Christian Armageddonists who are actively seeking, with all their
emotion and will, to drive the world towards total destruction?  What
does this state of affairs say about the essential character of Zionism
as a whole?  Hagee was received with great enthusiasm at the latest
AIPAC gathering.  Videos of his speech -- and of AIPAC's reaction -- are
available across the net.  Look up a few and savor the fragrance of an
Armageddonist cult in full rut.

I still have the impression that Hagee et al are simply tricking the
masses.  Do you think Hagee really believes in his "Jerusalem Countdown"
Vision? As European agnostic I find this hard to believe. But
documentaries on the topic are getting momentum over here too. So I
guess we can say the world watches in amazement.
>   This current crop of Armaggedonists, which includes George W. Bush,
is armed with an immense arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which it
feels it is entitled (even divinely commanded) to use preemptively.

What puzzles me a bit at the moment is that the people who consider the
larger issue as some kind of new antisemitism often feel arrogantly
enamored with the right of the empire  or generally the stronger. 
(History is used a stone pit in this respect were apples are compared
with pears. That's what puzzles me most at the moment. And exactly that
feels pretty shortsighted and not very wise.

Reminds me of  the following flower power quote:
Jimi Hendrix: When the Power of love overcomes the love of power the
world will know peace <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Shapiro>

>   The American mainstream media continue to cover up what is going on,
in the hope of getting on with a war against Iran.  AIPAC's ties to John
Hagee should be a huge on-going story at the New York Times, the
Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN and other big media outlets.
David Buckley catches what puzzles me about the larger scenario pretty
well. I am still not sure if this is some kind of post 9/11 carpe
diem/seize the moment enterprise and I  doubt we will ever know. Things
would look much different without 911.

AIPAC: Cheerleading the Apocalypse

What�s spooky about these AIPAC types is not that
they�re�Jewish� (that�s too broad a brush for this
crowd, and Levey knowsit); it�s that they have an agenda that
dovetails nicely with theso-called �Christian Zionists� and
with the remnants of the PNACCriminals. The nature of that agenda is
best expressed as thedetermination to create what some have called a
�Greater Israel�(a-k-a Eretz Israel) embracing ALL of the
(alleged) territory ofthe ancient and relatively short-lived Kingdom of
Israel ofBiblical times.

Where the borders of such a state might be, is anyone�s guess;but
the real point to note here is that, once we read the situationin this
way, Israel is no longer the beleaguered and besieged�little
democracy� which must be protected against them evil,anti-semitic,
�Islamofascist� Arabs trying to push holcaustsurvivors into
the sea. This is STILL, unfortunately, the popular(mis)conception
portrayed by the American media, which in itseagerness to apppear more
pro-Jewish-than-thou has left itself opento all kinds of idiocies. Most
Americans think that Israel is infact �defenceless� against
its more powerful neighbors. In reality,nothing could be further from
the truth. It is in fact a majorconfrontational imperial player in the
region. Its populationreached 6,000,000 around 2000; it has nuclear
weapons; it routinelyspies on the U.S.; and, it uses US support as its
most playablecard in the region and internationally. No other country
has arecord of ignoring UN Resolutions that competes with that ofIsrael.
And, the US has routinely acted like Israel�s puppet invirtually
all international arenas, supporting Israeliintransigence even when this
did NOT serve American interests. (Asfor instance in its current refusal
to "recognize" or negotiatewith the demnocratically-elected
representatives of the Palestinianpeople).

Why do the �Christian Zionists� support AIPAC? Because
the�restoration� of Eretz Israel has all kinds of
Apocalyptic,End-Times implications that they embrace. Early
Christianity, atroot, as any competent �secular� historian
will tell you, wasinherently Millennial. It believed that Jesus was the
Christ andthat his coming presaged the End of the World.
Contemporary�Christian Zionists� are enraptured by the
possibilities andimplications of the �restored� Biblical
Kingdom, becuse it wouldseem to create the secular conditions necessary
for the�restoration� of God�s Kingdom ... when,
presumably, True Believerswill inherit the Earth (or the whirlwind,

What about the PNAC crew? Their �foreign policy� is not
simplydictated by oil. Their aim is a permanent US military presence
inthe �Eurasian theatre.� Why? Because, future US global
hegemony isbelieved to be tied to geopolitical supremacy in that
region.Without �boots on the ground� the US will likely be
frozen out byEurope, Russia, China, or India or any combination of
theseunlikely bedfellows. The biggest threat to US hegemony would be
theemergence of a �regional� player ... like, say, Iran! So:
It�s NOTan accident that US troops are stationed in considerable
numbers onIran�s eastern and western borders. In mid-February,
reports in theinternational media highlighted the fact that US planning
for aninvasion of Iran had been completed. The Iraq surge may
eventuallybecome the pretext for cross-border incursions into Iran
and/orSyria. And, a catalyst for a wider war. Nor is it an accident
thatthe American image of Iran goes back ONLY to the �Hostage
Crisis�under Jimmy Carter, and completely ignores the CIA�s
role in thefall of Mossadeq, and the rise and maintenance of the
Shah�s brutaland repressive regime.

My apologies for being so long-winded, but Israel/Palestine isTHE KEY to
the Middle East. And it�s important for Americans (inparticular) to
be aware of the ways in which seemingly disparategroups can become
intimate bedfellows in pursuit of complementaryalbeit kooky goals.

For Salonicans interested in these matters I�d recommend
AviShlaim�s brilliant history of the modern Israeli state,
�The IronWall.� And for proof that the PNAC foreign policy
agenda is NOT, atroot, different from say that of the
�liberal� Democrats, seeZbigniew Brzerzinski�s �The
Great Game.� When the dust settles atthe end of this current
venture, the US will have a minimalmilitary presence of 50,000 to
100,000 troops permanently stationedon the ground in westen/central
Asia. THAT�s the real goal. TheAmerican Republic and its democratic
heritage is a hostage to (andthe most likely casualty of) that imperial

-- David Buckley
I shouldn't be here, but I found my old Reader subscriptions again.  But
it needs study, this is nothing to do instinctively without studying
further it seems. So far I could only share the headlines. No idea how
to make more text appear.


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