PNAC has too much visibility; it's a 'bad guy' put up there to attract 
political sharpshooters, thereby 'validating' its significance.  Ask yourself: 
why does a paper written by bozos and underlings in the WH become national 
policy?  More than meets the eye, I'd say.

PNAC  gets underhanded attention similar to the kind of attention that YouTube 
gets from MSM.  Have you noticed how MSM evening news has regular stories 
related to 'the popular UTube site"?  MSM has advertized it with 'news' 
repetition; popularized it, a kind-of left-handed popularization.  They are 
also 'popularizing' homosexuality, sexual lpredation on the Internet (as a 
means of control of the power of the medium, some say).

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
We may soon be facing massive population reduction -- through environmental 
catastrophe, Armageddonist wars, malicious genetic engineering or other causes. 
 My own instinct is that planet Earth cannot survive the stress that humanity 
is exerting on it.  Or rather: the human race, or much of it, will not be able 
to survive the response of planet Earth to our abuse.
  So, no doubt, some members of the global power elite are worrying about this 
issue.  Some of them may even have plans to solve the problem in their own 
inimitable way.  But I can't imagine China or Russia taking a genocidal attack 
on their peoples from Brits, or any other group, lying down.  They would 
retaliate, and Britain is an easy target.
  Also, forget sneaky virus attacks and other schemes -- everyone in the world 
community is  on to this and is vigilant about it.  The PNAC openly endorsed 
this kind of warfare -- anyone associated with PNAC would be the first suspects 
in a situation of this kind.  Prince Charles most assuredly is not running the 
PNAC.  The neocons *hate* Prince Charles.  Some neocons speak openly about 
nuking tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims -- committing the greatest act 
of genocide in human history, using the Bible as an authority and model.  They 
may well do it.  Israeli threats to exercise the Samson Option extend to the 
entire planet -- "the nations."

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      Right; I have nothing other than prince charles is into organic farming 
and gwb bought a 100k acre farm in paraguay. The future isn't detectable by 
observation. If the world is overburdened with humans, what do you do? If you 
have 6b, and you have to reduce to 2b, how do you do that? Again, not to 
confuse brit govt with brit crown family ambitions. I pick on them because of 
ownership patterns in the oil and defense industries.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       Theories and speculations can be 
interesting, but I don't really start paying attention until I see many 
well-documented facts tightly tied up together in an orderly way.  You made the 
claim that  Britain might be planning to annihilate much of the human race.  
Since much of the human race can easily annihilate Britain, this doesn't strike 
me as a realistic scenario describing the real world.

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
      No; its more of a wholistic interpretaton of events. Pure speculation 
based on an integration of information across a number if disciplines and 

The current size of humanity is unsustainable on the planet. Ocean life is 
collapsing as a result of the overburden. Deforestation in the north has 
contributed to the decline of oxygen in the atmosphere worldwide. People are 
aware of these circumstances.

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       
  Do you have any proof or documentation to support this scenario?
  Would China, Russia and other nations be likely to sit still for something 
like this without reducing Britain to ash?

Albert Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      I still think the issue is much larger than that.

IMHO?  The british crown intends to kill off 80%of the human population within 
the next 20 years. They see the current human pooulation as unsustainable, and 
want to be in control of the drastic action that will follow the collapse of 
the food chain -- at least enough to  come out the other end of the disaster 
with money, power, and control.  The new world will be  less stressed for 
resources, because the largest populations, china, India, Indonesia, Russia, 
and the US will be reduced by an order of magnitude.  

The Brits are looking far enough ahead to know that there will be another huge 
human calamity very soon, and they intend to survive it, control it.
Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       
  1. Yes, I do believe that John Hagee IS sincere in his Armageddonist beliefs, 
as expounded in Jerusalem Countdown.  I've seen and heard him speak (on TV and 
radio), and the fanaticism and psychosis that animates his personality comes 
through as all too authentic.  Keep in mind that this zealot was received by 
the leading pro-Israel lobbying organization in America with wild enthusiasm!  
By any reasonable judgment, this man is a dangerous  threat to the United 
States and the world at large.
  History reveals that large segments of the human race fall prey to psychotic 
and delusional enthusiasms on a regular basis.  Sometimes these messianic 
movements are manipulated by wily leaders; sometimes the leaders of these 
movements, like John Hagee, are themselves as mad as hatters.
  Think about it: some leading Zionists, fully endorsed by the Israeli 
government and the Israel lobby, are now agitating for a preemptive nuclear 
strike on Iran with the deliberate intention of instigating Armageddon and the 
destruction of the world as we know it!  And they have the ear of Bush and 
Cheney!  I've been trying to warn about this situation for years; now my 
concerns are beginning to edge into the mainstream, as the real Zionist agenda 
becomes ever more difficult to  ignore.
  2. Great letter by David Buckley in Salon, but I think he misreads Brzezinski 
and Brzezinski's faction.  Brzezinski has been opposed to neocon schemes under 
Bush 43 from day one.  It's amazing how many people fail to get this point, 
even when the evidence is all around them.
  3. Earlier here I speculated that Zionism could trigger the biggest explosion 
of anti-Semitism in world history, occurring all around the world at once, and 
with special intensity in the United States.  This scenario seems more 
plausible to me than ever.  If AIPAC and its Christian Zionist allies and dupes 
succeed in inflicting massive damage on American interests, the backlash is 
going to be something to behold.  Most Americans are not going to be able make 
subtle distinctions about who is to blame.  Let me be clear: this is  a 
situation that I would very much NOT like to see develop.  But it is 
developing, rolling down the tracks like a locomotive.  A large majority of 
Jews are continuing to permit AIPAC and the neocons to set the Jewish agenda in 
the United States, despite their misgivings.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was on to the John Hagee issue months ago in this very group and warned 
> about the developing situation. Most conspiracy researchers are not paying 
> attention and are still digging around in oil industry issues to try to 
> explain the bizarre behavior of the neocon-controlled Bush/Cheney regime.

Yes! My problem is still that I would need to study the separate  
religious-politico-economical  US right wing characters much more extensively 
to keep them apart in separate mental spaces. I noticed though early that the 
political sectors of Iran Contra and the religious parts merge at times: e.g. 
Oliver North and that the US brings out things in religions that might have 
been a much more secret layer before: money, power to move the masses.
> Do you appreciate that the official mainstream Israel lobby, including both 
> AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish 
> Organizations, is now completely in bed with Christian Zionists and Christian 
> Armageddonists who are actively seeking, with all their emotion and will, to 
> drive the world towards total destruction? What does this state of affairs 
> say about the essential character of Zionism as a whole? Hagee was received 
> with  great enthusiasm at the latest AIPAC gathering. Videos of his speech -- 
> and of AIPAC's reaction -- are available across the net. Look up a few and 
> savor the fragrance of an Armageddonist cult in full rut.

I still have the impression that Hagee et al are simply tricking the masses.  
Do you think Hagee really believes in his "Jerusalem Countdown" Vision? As 
European agnostic I find this hard to believe. But documentaries on the topic 
are getting momentum over here too. So I guess we can say the world watches in 
> This current crop of Armaggedonists, which includes George W. Bush, is armed 
> with an immense arsenal of weapons of mass destruction which it feels it is 
> entitled (even divinely commanded) to use preemptively.

What puzzles me a bit at the moment is that the people who consider the larger 
issue as some kind of new antisemitism often feel arrogantly enamored with the 
right of the empire  or generally the stronger.   (History is used a stone pit 
in this respect were apples are compared with pears. That's what puzzles me 
most at the moment. And exactly that feels pretty shortsighted and not very 

Reminds me of  the following flower power quote:
  Jimi Hendrix: When the Power of love overcomes the love of power the world 
will know peace 

> The American mainstream media continue to cover up what is going on, in the 
> hope of getting on with a war against Iran. AIPAC's ties to John Hagee should 
> be a huge on-going story at the New York Times, the Washington Post, MSNBC, 
> CNN and other big media outlets.
David Buckley catches what puzzles me about the larger scenario pretty well. I 
am still not sure if this is some kind of post 9/11 carpe diem/seize the moment 
enterprise and I  doubt we will ever know. Things would look much different  
without 911.

AIPAC: Cheerleading the Apocalypse 

  What�s spooky about these AIPAC types is not that they�re�Jewish� 
(that�s too broad a brush for this crowd, and Levey knowsit); it�s that 
they have an agenda that dovetails nicely with theso-called �Christian 
Zionists� and with the remnants of the PNACCriminals. The nature of that 
agenda is best expressed as thedetermination to create what some have called a 
�Greater Israel�(a-k-a Eretz Israel) embracing ALL of the (alleged) 
territory ofthe ancient and relatively short-lived Kingdom of Israel ofBiblical 
  Where the borders of such a state might be, is anyone�s guess;but the real 
point to note here is that, once we read the situationin this way, Israel is no 
longer the beleaguered and besieged�little democracy� which must be 
protected  against them evil,anti-semitic, �Islamofascist� Arabs trying to 
push holcaustsurvivors into the sea. This is STILL, unfortunately, the 
popular(mis)conception portrayed by the American media, which in itseagerness 
to apppear more pro-Jewish-than-thou has left itself opento all kinds of 
idiocies. Most Americans think that Israel is infact �defenceless� against 
its more powerful neighbors. In reality,nothing could be further from the 
truth. It is in fact a majorconfrontational imperial player in the region. Its 
populationreached 6,000,000 around 2000; it has nuclear weapons; it 
routinelyspies on the U.S.; and, it uses US support as its most playablecard in 
the region and internationally. No other country has arecord of ignoring UN
 Resolutions that competes with that ofIsrael. And, the US has routinely acted 
like Israel�s puppet invirtually all international arenas, supporting 
Israeliintransigence even when this did NOT serve American interests.  (Asfor 
instance in its current refusal to "recognize" or negotiatewith the 
demnocratically-elected representatives of the Palestinianpeople).
  Why do the �Christian Zionists� support AIPAC? Because 
the�restoration� of Eretz Israel has all kinds of Apocalyptic,End-Times 
implications that they embrace. Early Christianity, atroot, as any competent 
�secular� historian will tell you, wasinherently Millennial. It believed 
that Jesus was the Christ andthat his coming presaged the End of the World. 
Contemporary�Christian Zionists� are enraptured by the possibilities 
andimplications of the �restored� Biblical Kingdom, becuse it wouldseem to 
create the secular conditions necessary for the�restoration� of God�s 
Kingdom ... when, presumably, True Believerswill inherit the Earth (or the 
whirlwind, depending).
  What about the PNAC crew? Their �foreign policy� is not simplydictated by 
oil. Their aim is a permanent US  military presence inthe �Eurasian 
theatre.� Why? Because, future US global hegemony isbelieved to be tied to 
geopolitical supremacy in that region.Without �boots on the ground� the US 
will likely be frozen out byEurope, Russia, China, or India or any combination 
of theseunlikely bedfellows. The biggest threat to US hegemony would be 
theemergence of a �regional� player ... like, say, Iran! So: It�s NOTan 
accident that US troops are stationed in considerable numbers onIran�s 
eastern and western borders. In mid-February, reports in theinternational media 
highlighted the fact that US planning for aninvasion of Iran had been 
completed. The Iraq surge may eventuallybecome the pretext for cross-border 
incursions into Iran and/orSyria. And, a catalyst for a wider war. Nor is it an 
accident thatthe American image of Iran goes back ONLY to the �Hostage
 Crisis�under Jimmy Carter, and completely ignores the CIA�s role in 
thefall of Mossadeq, and the rise and  maintenance of the Shah�s brutaland 
repressive regime.
  My apologies for being so long-winded, but Israel/Palestine isTHE KEY to the 
Middle East. And it�s important for Americans (inparticular) to be aware of 
the ways in which seemingly disparategroups can become intimate bedfellows in 
pursuit of complementaryalbeit kooky goals.
  For Salonicans interested in these matters I�d recommend AviShlaim�s 
brilliant history of the modern Israeli state, �The IronWall.� And for 
proof that the PNAC foreign policy agenda is NOT, atroot, different from say 
that of the �liberal� Democrats, seeZbigniew Brzerzinski�s �The Great 
Game.� When the dust settles atthe end of this current venture, the US will 
have a minimalmilitary presence of 50,000 to 100,000 troops permanently 
stationedon the ground in westen/central Asia. THAT�s the real goal. 
TheAmerican Republic and its democratic heritage is a hostage to (andthe most 
likely casualty of) that  imperial vision.
  -- David Buckley
I shouldn't be here, but I found my old Reader subscriptions again.  But it 
needs study, this is nothing to do instinctively without studying further it 
seems. So far I could only share the headlines. No idea how to make more text 



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