-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Van Romero revealed as pre-9/11 Directed Energy Panelist - 
Wild Goose Scammer from the start?
Date:   Fri, 13 Apr 2007 16:37:59 -0400

picked up at:
Van Romero revealed as pre-9/11 Directed Energy Panelist
Submitted by ewing2001 on Fri, 2007-04-13 20:05.

Van Romero revealed as pre-9/11 Directed Energy Panelist
Wild Goose Scammer from the start?
More U.S. Companies also linked to pre-9/11 DirEN Projects
April 13, 2007
by ewing2001

As 911researchers.com revealed on Thursday, the U.S. Government was  
heavily involved prior 9/11 into the production, research and  
supervision of Directed Energy Weaponry.

They supported not only Committees, but also Workshops, Conferences,  
Symposiums, and a Directed Energy Professional Society, backed up by  
several U.S. Military Contractors.

It turns out now, that during 2000 one of the panelists of these  
Directed Energy Workshops was conventional Controlled Demolition  
Expert Van Romero.

Right after 9/11 Van Romero pointed out in Albuquerque Journal  
regarding the Collapses of the Twin Towers, that
"there were some explosive devices inside that caused the towers to collapse".

As Judy Wood pointed out this Friday, it "appears now that
his role was to plant the idea of "standard CD" to start off the wild  
goose chase in the wrong direction..."


The credibility of the Jones-Jones Tandem (Alex "Scientology" Jones,  
Steven "Los Alamos" Jones) finally turned into toast.

On Thursday, 9/11Scholars Founder Jim Fetzer confronted Alex Jones  
publicly on the latest findings of "hard evidence, the real evidence".

The Jones-Jones Tandem didn't respond yet.

Furthermore Steven Jones still ignores, that he's meanwhile linked to  
advisory and/or production of 3-4 different exoW (exotic weaponry)  
genres, incl. "Neutrino Weaponry".

Late monday night, ny911 activist Luke Rudkowski suddenly cancelled a  
new support protest for Rosie O'Donnell.

According to a mailing list member, Rudkowski claimed that an "Inside  
Source" allegedly revealed that O'Donnell isn't interested in this  
protest group.

Earlier this week O'Donnell showed however interest into Directed  
Energy Researcher Judy Wood.

Rudkowski is close to Alex Jones.
Two weeks ago he briefed him live during a Radio Show at the first  
support protest in front of the ABC studio...
more at:

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