An organization like the WH also does regular backups, which can be recovered 
for normally more than a year, if their IT shop is at all on the ball. Ask that 
Israeli firm who set it all up.

NanC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                     
'Delete' Doesn't Mean 'Disappear'
 By Rob Pegoraro
Saturday, April 14, 2007; D01
This might not seem obvious when you're struggling to locate the e-mail  
somebody sent you last week, but it's not easy to make an e-mail message vanish 
 for good. A lot of the time, it's outright impossible.
 Some executives at Enron found that out the hard way a few years ago. Some  
people in the White House -- who seem to have deleted important messages that  
they shouldn't have -- may be on their way to making the same discovery.
 The secret life of e-mail isn't obvious from looking at your mail program. It  
sensibly simplifies things, presenting a message as a single object you can  
open, read, and then delete. Once you empty your mail program's trash, no trace 
 of the message remains.
 But under normal circumstances, nothing you delete on a computer vanishes  
immediately. The computer clears its own record of where it put the file, but  
the file itself won't disappear until enough other data gets written to that  
same spot. Given the vast size of most new computers' hard drives, that can 
take  years.
 The same thing happens with theoretically erased e-mail. Most mail programs  
don't store each message as its own separate document; instead, they squirrel  
away all your messages in one database file. When you hit the delete key, your  
mail program can just update its internal records to mark that message's  
location as vacant. You could say it conveniently forgets about the e-mail.
 You can try specialized software that can overwrite a deleted file to prevent  
later retrieval -- for example, the Eraser program for Windows and Mac OS X's  
"Secure Empty Trash" option -- but those products may not work inside an e-mail 
 program's database.
 E-mail also leaves a long trail as it hops from computer to computer across  
the Internet. Most of the copies aren't kept, but at the receiving end, at 
least  two can stick around: one on the mail server that delivers new messages 
to each  user's computer, the other on the user's own machine.
 So even if both the sender and recipient strive to make a message disappear,  
"data forensics" companies can dig it up. Brian Karney, the director of product 
 management for one such firm, Guidance Software of Pasadena, Calif., bragged  
about how easy it is to unearth a long-buried message from the database file  
created by Microsoft Outlook -- the software used by many businesses and  
organizations, including the White House.
 "Anybody can recover an e-mail," Karney said. "You just need to know how to  
look and find that stuff."
 Encrypting e-mail -- something most users never bother to do -- can keep the  
contents of your correspondence secret. But it can't hide other data about the  
e-mail, such as subject, addresses, dates and times, which can be incriminating 
 on their own.
 Just because it's possible to find long-lost e-mails doesn't mean anyone is  
doing that with yours right now.
 Your Internet service provider or Web-mail service, if it wants to stay in  
business, is not likely to eavesdrop.
 And your office's IT department may be too busy to bother. Although a lot of  
companies say they monitor employee e-mail (55 percent, in a 2005 survey by two 
 trade groups, the American Management Association and the ePolicy Institute),  
you can bet that most rely on automated software to do the job. It takes an  
exceptionally paranoid, well-financed business to hire people just to read the  
 If, however, somebody thinks your correspondence in particular hides a  
sufficiently sordid secret -- especially if that somebody is a politician or a  
prosecutor -- all that can change.
 So when you compose your e-mail, write carefully and write for posterity. You  
never know who might read it.
 Living with technology, or trying to? E-mail Rob Pegoraro [EMAIL PROTECTED]




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