You have several times now claimed or suggested that Brzezinski supported "a 
New Pearl Harbor" -- a false flag attack on the American people -- to further 
his political objectives.  You know, I read The Grand Chessboard carefully and 
missed seeing these passages.  Please quote them verbatim here.

VMANN:  have the book somewhere, ill give quotes and page numbers.

Regarding Luke Rudkowski: he's an ignorant jackass.  This is the kind of crap 
that gives conspiracy theorizing such a bad name among so many serious minds.  
To use his own language, he's "scum."  Brzezinski is one of the most effective 
voices in the American power elite speaking out with authority against the 
neocon criminal schemes that are destroying the United States.  Luke the Mook, 
like Dick Cheney, is firing his shotgun at the exactly the wrong target.  Maybe 
he's doing it wittingly and deliberately -- have you bothered to check whether, 
like Michael Ruppert and Greg Palast, he has any neocon connections and 

VMANN:  of course, whether or not luke is a "mook" or is secretly a mossad 
double agent is of no relevance here.

You're still missing the big picture here: Brzezinski and others of his caliber 
would not under any circumstances involve themselves in a harebrained and 
incompetent operation like 9/11 that was designed to trigger a global holy war 
which they strongly OPPOSED.  Good lord, is this concept really so difficult to 
understand?  Haven't you noticed that the neocons hate Brzezinski, even more 
than does Luke the Mook?  THINK.  You are being played by standard neocon 
deception methods.

VMANN:  again, zbig opposes the "holy war," on grounds that it interferes with 
the military conquest of central asia.
vigiluis haufniesis

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sean McBride 
  Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 7:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [political-research] brzezinski and false flag terror

  Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
    There is not the slightest chance in hell that Brzezinski would have 
involved himself in a 9/11 inside job.  Three reasons:  
    1. He is much too smart and sane.  Whoever was behind 9/11 was stupid and 
deranged -- pecisely the same kind of people who are *still* arguing that the 
Iraq War is a smashing success.  In a word -- NEOCONS.  Messianists.  Wankers.

    VMANN:  brzezinski called for a "new pearl harbor" several times in THE 

    2. He is too decent -- he wouldn't kill innocent Americans in order to 
provide a pretext for waging a genocidal holy war in the Middle East.

    VMANN:  he can't even ASK a question that doesnt involve "sacrificing 
thousands of innocent lives for the greater good."  
    "i encouraged china to support pol pot.  pol pot was a madman and a 
bloodthirsty killer.  we couldnt support him.  but china could."  and how 
about, "what is more important, a few pissed off muslims or the end of the cold 
war?"  for brzezinski, a question is not of "historical importance" if it 
doesnt involve the sacrifice of thousands of innocent lives.
    he wouldnt sacrifice american lives for a genocidal holy war in the middle 
east.  but he clearly would for domination of "central asia."

    3. He strongly disagrees with the policy objectives which 9/11 was designed 
to promote and fulfill.

    VMANN:  i disagree.
    he strongly disagrees with the hijacking of the "war on terror" into iraq.  
he WANTS it to go into afghanistan, as he states repeatedly and outlines in THE 
GRAND CHESSBOARD.  in the clip i sent in, he answers luke's question by saying 
that the war in iraq "has nothing to do with the war on terror."  THAT is his 
criticism.  not that he is AGAINST the war on terror, but that the promotion of 
israeli hegemony isnt (or shouldnt be) part of it.

    Who are the leading suspects in any 9/11 inside job and false flag 
scenario?  Simple: those members of the Bush 43 administration who have been 
the ringleaders of the Iraq War, the Global War on Terror, the Clash of 
Civilizations, World War III/IV, the Long War, etc. and who have been agitating 
for a war against Iran.  Brzezinski despises these zealots, as do nearly all 
foreign policy realists in the Carter, Bush 43, Reagan and Clinton 
    Regarding the item you referred to: if this is the video in which in an 
ignorant dunce confronted Brzezinski with a steaming pile of NWO cliches, then 
you really need to educate yourself more thoroughly in the history of American 
power elite politics.  The Internet is crawling with half-baked conspiracy 
theorists who know next to nothing about 20th century American and world 
history.  This lout is a perfect example of the breed.  If you don't have the 
discipline to earn an advanced degree at a leading university, it is not likely 
that you are going to have the stuff to work through the complexities of deep 
politics in an intellectually disciplined way that uncovers the truth.

    VMANN:  i think luke had a basketball scholarship.  however, as i stated, 
brzezinski's answer to luke's question is that he opposes the iraq war because 
he feels it has "nothing to do with the war on terror."  
    brezinski would quite clearly sacrifice innocent american lives if he 
thought that it would "serve the greater good."  by which he means "conquest of 
central asia and monopolization of its natural resources in support of a 
neo-mercantilist economic order."

    By the way, I strongly agreed with Brzezinski's use of Islamists to help 
bring down the Soviet Union.  Smart move.  You prioritize your threats as they 
come up.  At the time, taking down the Soviet Union was the best move on the 
board.  Presently the greatest threat to the world is a toxic alliance of 
neoconservatives, Judeo-Christian fascists and Christian Armageddonists which 
is anti-conservative, anti-liberal, anti-American and anti-Christian to the 
marrow.  The closest analogues to the neocons are Bolsheviks and Nazis.  This 
is the group which had the most to gain from engineering 9/11.

    VMANN:  they have the most to gain from the iraq war, it would seem.  
    although the issue of the dollar as world reserve currency is in play as 
    vigilius haufniensis



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