Studying the influence of genetic factors in ethnic conflict strikes me as 
useful if one's objective is to reduce, not increase, such conflict.  For the 
most part human beings are still sleepwalkers, controlled by automatic, 
unconscious behaviors which are often self-destructive.  With more knowledge 
about how the world works, we could perhaps do better; or perhaps we could 
destroy ourselves with greater efficiency.

Look more into Michael Savage/Weiner if you want to understand the bizarre 
phenomenon of Jewish ethnic nationalism morphing into white ethnic nationalism, 
with an assist from neocon mainstream media barons -- shades of Nazi/Zionist 
collaboration from the past.

I understand why Germans have to tread carefully with regard to these issues, 
but facts are facts.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Sean, as 
long as one has already a thread (fig) in ones head one can easily connect 
these dots. Imagine the huge Nazi machinery, obviously it relied on the top 
layers of the Jewish Germans in doing their jobs, who better to use who better 
to cheat. And yes these people were humans too. Besides I would like to insist 
not just Germans were pleased to sent the Jews to Eretz-Yisra'el/Palestine, 
that's why they found collaborators everywhere. But the facts on the ground are 
complicated, here in Germany the unknown helpers are close to unknown, and in 
Israel the Kapo's got into big troubles, not all though. Read   Raul Hilberg's 
biography I just passed it on to a friend. It is absolutely brilliant.

But yes, I had David Gaubatz in mind, interestingly his unholy association with 
Israel has disappeared from the   Google . Last time I checked it popped up 
right on top. One has to add "white" to get were one got easily a couple of 
weeks ago: Sane - mission statement 

And yes David Gaubatz seems to be part of some superiors Whites -  Israel axis  

Undercover Black Man has done a perfect job on David Horowitz , thus I wasn't 
so completely wrong when I unsubscribe from FrontPageMag a couple of years ago, 
since one article felt distinctively racist. Concerning Michael Weiner, I am no 
adapt. I could only contribute hearsay in this context.

But Sean, dear, I sometimes wonder what the Nazi history  means to you versus 
what it means to me: That is someone born into post WWII Germany. You will 
never get me to admit that the Jewish German's were much different from the 
German Germans, whatever that may mean. Simply the solution for antisemitism 
and pogroms led to new problems, that's how I see it.

Your neocons have aligned with US power circles, I think that is were we can 
agree. And 911 gave a chance on a silver plate to merge Israeli and US 
interest, I doubt we see all of it.

On much we agree by now. I would not follow you down the racist studies line or 
if you will human genome though. Every age has his own well financed scientific 
enterprise. Scientist move were money and jobs are. None of us two will live to 
see what it looks like in 100 years from now.


--- In, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Nazis were enthusiastic supporters of Zionism, and leading Zionists 
> cooperated with Nazis -- what more does one need to know about the basic 
> behavioral patterns of messianic ethnic nationalist movements?  Ethnic 
> nationalist movements often cooperate with one another to achieve the 
> objective of mutual segregation.  Both Nazis and Zionists wanted the Jews out 
> of Germany and Europe and were willing, for a time, to work together to 
> accomplish that end.  There is nothing new in the cooperation of Jewish 
> neocons like David Horowitz with white ethnic nationalists like David Gaubatz 
> -- same old same old.
> Michael Savage, who is Jewish (his real name is Michael Weiner), has lately 
> been goading on white ethnic nationalists to a genocidal fury against 
> Muslims, clearly on behalf of his Jewish ethnic nationalist (not white ethnic 
> nationalist) agenda.  Savage/Weiner has been given a platform by the owners 
> and controllers of the American mainstream media.  Compared to Michael 
> Savage, Patrick Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts are the soul of sanity and 
> decency.
> The neocons are hoping to fire up Nazism without anti-Semitism, replacing 
> Jews with Muslims as the target of  extermination.  This is, of course, an 
> insane course of action: many white supremacists hate Muslims and Jews with 
> equal fervor.
> The Israeli government and the mainstream Israeli lobby have entered into a 
> warm alliance with the most virulently anti-Semitic cult on the planet -- 
> Christian Armageddonists.  Tell me, with conviction, with a straight face, 
> that Zionism has a meaningful future.
> LeaNder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:                                  Thanks, 
> this was interesting. Although I do not have the time to look
>  into this more closely.
>  The question the article does not answer however is, why this guy,
>  like most US media strongly supported the war against Iraq. Is this
>  connected with his White Supremacist soul. And what about all the
>  "white suprematists" that would love to take "the Jews" into their fold?
>  What it looks from over here many, many media neocons do not have any
>  problem to work with this "fringe" part of society. And others notice
>  this more and more often.
>  -jo
>  >
>  > 
>  > -- 
>  > Michael Pugliese
>  >

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