Hmmm? I never heard of Zacharias Gertler, and there are zero entries on
the German net: Zacharias Gertler

Did I misspell it? Not so, I seems: Google; all entries: Zacharias

--- In, Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Policy Forum Dead,
> via by admin on 5/21/08
> Another hard-line neo-conservative group â€" and one that
received a
> nearly $80,000 grant from the Pentagon just last September â€"
may also
> have died. In fact, its effective demise may actually have preceded
> the grant’s approval by the office of the Undersecretary of
Defense for
> Policy, Eric Edelman.
> I’m referring to the Policy Forum on International Security
> (aka the Policy Forum on International Security Issues) headed by
> Gaffney Cross, the sister of Frank Gaffney, the ultra-hawkish
> of the Center for Security Policy, and a member of the Defense Policy
> Board since 2001. She launched the organization in London shortly
> 9/11 to help improve British and European public opinion about the
> administration’s “global war on terror” by
hosting off-the-record
> meetings at exclusive London clubs and posh Parisian restaurants
> between selected reporters from influential publications and senior
> U.S. defense officials and prominent neo-cons outside the
> administration. I have posted on the Policy Forum’s activities
> relationships with other groups at last year’s Prague Democracy
> Security Conference here and here, and its funding by Edelman’s
> here.
> Unlike PNAC’s, the Policy Forum’s website
( is
> still visible on the Internet, although it hasn’t been updated
> about nine months now, despite its self-described mission not only to
> “create an open channel of dialogue between those who create
> international news and those who report it,” but also
“to expand our
> original mission beyond the narrow confines of the journalistic
> community, and to engage with the wider European community [by]
> reaching out to the active, curious and engaged public…”
> It turns out that, according to the ICC Directory of UK Companies, the
> Policy Forum, which was officially incorporated in the UK on December
> 18, 2003, initiated its dissolution on March 11, 2007, ten days after
> its “managing director,” German real estate magnate
Zacharias Gertler,
> resigned his position. It filed its first dissolution on November 12,
> 2007 â€" just two months after it was awarded the non-competitive
> contract by Edelman’s office ”for technical support and
> services for public liaison and media outreach services in support of
> the diplomacy mission including addressing and informing European and
> Middle Eastern audiences on the challenges facing U.S. National
> Security policies” â€" and its final dissolution on March
25 this year.
> This raises an obvious question: why did the Pentagon award a
> non-competitive contract to an entity that was in the process of
> dissolving itself?
> Now, there is evidence that the Policy Forum is also incorporated in
> the State of New York, where Cross, whose husband is president of the
> New York Jets organization, has her primary residence. According to
>, an organization known as “Policy Forum on
> International Security (c/o Devon Cross)” â€" described as
a “charitable
> organization” involved in “housing development,
construction, and
> management” â€" gained tax-exempt status in New York in
September, 2006.
> So it may be that the Pentagon contracted with the New York-based
> Policy Forum and not the London-based Policy Forum, but, given the
> small size of the contract, we would have to file an FOIA request to
> find out.
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