Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Policy Forum Dead, Too?
via by admin on 5/21/08
Another hard-line neo-conservative group — and one that received a
nearly $80,000 grant from the Pentagon just last September — may also
have died. In fact, its effective demise may actually have preceded the
the grant’s approval by the office of the Undersecretary of Defense for
Policy, Eric Edelman.

I’m referring to the Policy Forum on International Security Affairs
(aka the Policy Forum on International Security Issues) headed by Devon
Gaffney Cross, the sister of Frank Gaffney, the ultra-hawkish president
of the Center for Security Policy, and a member of the Defense Policy
Board since 2001. She launched the organization in London shortly after
9/11 to help improve British and European public opinion about the Bush
administration’s “global war on terror” by hosting off-the-record
meetings at exclusive London clubs and posh Parisian restaurants
between selected reporters from influential publications and senior
U.S. defense officials and prominent neo-cons outside the
administration. I have posted on the Policy Forum’s activities and
relationships with other groups at last year’s Prague Democracy and
Security Conference here and here, and its funding by Edelman’s office

Unlike PNAC’s, the Policy Forum’s website ( is
still visible on the Internet, although it hasn’t been updated for
about nine months now, despite its self-described mission not only to
“create an open channel of dialogue between those who create the
international news and those who report it,” but also “to expand our
original mission beyond the narrow confines of the journalistic
community, and to engage with the wider European community [by]
reaching out to the active, curious and engaged public…”

It turns out that, according to the ICC Directory of UK Companies, the
Policy Forum, which was officially incorporated in the UK on December
18, 2003, initiated its dissolution on March 11, 2007, ten days after
its “managing director,” German real estate magnate Zacharias Gertler,
resigned his position. It filed its first dissolution on November 12,
2007 — just two months after it was awarded the non-competitive
contract by Edelman’s office ”for technical support and consulting
services for public liaison and media outreach services in support of
the diplomacy mission including addressing and informing European and
Middle Eastern audiences on the challenges facing U.S. National
Security policies” — and its final dissolution on March 25 this year.
This raises an obvious question: why did the Pentagon award a
non-competitive contract to an entity that was in the process of
dissolving itself?

Now, there is evidence that the Policy Forum is also incorporated in
the State of New York, where Cross, whose husband is president of the
New York Jets organization, has her primary residence. According to, an organization known as “Policy Forum on
International Security (c/o Devon Cross)” — described as a “charitable
organization” involved in “housing development, construction, and
management” — gained tax-exempt status in New York in September, 2006.
So it may be that the Pentagon contracted with the New York-based
Policy Forum and not the London-based Policy Forum, but, given the
small size of the contract, we would have to file an FOIA request to
find out.

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