I'm in a Facebook Group that's much like Euwetopia; *e.g.;* mostly
Socialist/Elitist/Secular Progressive Moonbats who are not well informed;
and one of the conversations is about the Washington State/Oregon minimum
wage increase.

Of course there's now conclusive documentation that the increase in minimum
wage increase out there has hurt the lower income unskilled work force; but
today's argument is the typical:

"*Well; CEO's are paid thousands a dollars a minute to do nothing, why
shouldn't burger flippers  make; *(The new Socialist/Class Warfare term)*;
a "Living Wage?"*


Here was my response:

*"What does the amount that a CEO is paid; the pay being determined by a
Corporate Board of Directors; have to do with good business practices and
acumen, and what the current demand and pay scale should be for someone
flipping burgers or assembling Filet-O-Fish Sandwiches?"*


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