we have a segment of people in America " mostly Republicans " who
oppose environmental regulations . and anyone who doesn't agree with
them are labeled tree hugger , Lonnie liberals , hell we all know the
kind of labels conservatives and anti global warming activists
use .
But we are in the middle of a very real crisis that many people are
ignoring in the name of profits and big business first and all else
last !  we are setting ourselves up for a climate where water is sold
to the highest bidder because of shortages and world wide famine
because big corporations put profits above the human condition . as an
example of this On Dec. 3, 1984, more than 4,000 people died after a
cloud of gas escaped from a pesticide plant operated by a Union
Carbide subsidiary
in Bhopal,
the people of Hatti are eating mud cakes because of
corporate greed and the trade rules we imposed on them when they
borrowed money from us .  when will we wake up and realize we do not
live in a vacuum either in our neighborhoods , towns  cities or
countries we are all interrelated . we must put aside our differences
and fix the damage we have done to planet earth before it reaches the
tipping point and we can't fix it !

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