If you google Los Angeles Daily News really fast, there is a reader poll today 
asking if the people support
the city council's position.  Scroll down the main page, almost to the
bottom, left hand side.  Last time I checked it, it was 90% against the
CC and supporting AZ.  If you get to the poll before 8PM L.A. time, you can 
"vote" too.  A week or two ago, there was a poll
asking if we supported AZ and that poll was something like 83%

FYI - there is a recall campaign going on against our stupid mayor.  There's 
also talk about recalling the entire CC.

From: Keith In Tampa <keithinta...@gmail.com>
To: politicalforum <PoliticalForum@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thu, May 13, 2010 12:34:45 PM
Subject: Los Angeles Approves Arizona Travel Boycott

I am just flat out amazed by this.   First, I am amazed, because such a boycott 
by the City of Los Angeles is unconstitutional on its face.  Such a boycott is 
in direct violation of Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution, 
and the Governor of "Cal-i-forn-i-a"  should immediately strike this boycott 
post haste, as well as the Congress sending a letter of censure to the Mayor 
and City Counsel of Los Angeles.
Note, that none of our liberal, or Libertarian members who purportedly hold the 
Constitution dear, have chosen to comment or condemn this unconstitutional act!!
Los Angeles approves Arizona travel boycott 
By Alan Duke, CNN 
May 13, 2010 -- Updated 1646 GMT (0046 HKT)
(CNN) -- The Los Angeles City Council overwhelmingly approved a boycott of 
Arizona-based businesses and governments Wednesday unless the state repeals a 
new law giving police the power to question a detainee's immigration status.
Several other California cities, including San Francisco and Oakland, have 
already adopted resolutions requesting city departments to not sign any new 
contracts with Arizona companies.
The Arizona law requires immigrants to carry their registration documents at 
all times and allows police to question individuals' immigration status in the 
process of enforcing any other law or ordinance.
The Los Angeles resolution passed Wednesday said Arizona's new immigration law 
"encourages racial profiling and violates Fourteenth Amendment guarantees of 
due process and equal protection for U.S. citizens, legal residents and 
visitors who are detained for suspicion of being in the country unlawfully."
The city's legislative analyst reported that Los Angeles currently has $56 
million in contracts with companies headquartered in Arizona.
The city's Harbor Department, which has $26 million of such contracts, is 
opposing the resolution, the report said. This includes money for the "Clean 
Truck Program," it said.
"The Harbor does not recommend rescinding this incentive program due to adverse 
effects this action would have on the environment and public health," the 
analyst wrote.
The resolution also prohibits city employees from traveling to Arizona "unless 
special circumstances can be demonstrated" that canceling a trip would "harm 
city interests."
The National Council of La Raza announced a boycott last week against Arizona's 
$18.6 billion tourism industry because of the new law, and called on other 
groups to join. Nearly 30 organizations have come on board, including the Rev. 
Al Sharpton's National Action Network, People for the American Way, the 
Japanese American Citizens League and the Service Employees International Union.
Critics of the law say it will lead to racial profiling, while supporters say 
it involves no racial profiling and is needed to crack down on increasing crime 
involving illegal immigrants.
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