Hey Studio,

As I have often pointed out, therein lies the distinction between
conservatives, and liberals.   Conservatives believe the Constitution to be
the law of the land, and interpret the Constitution literally. They believe
that the Constitution is "Black & White"; there is no grey area.

On the other hand, Liberals pick and choose portions of the Constitution
that is convenient for them to adhere to.  They believe that the
Constitution is some kind of, "Living, breathing" document.

Conservatives like me believe that the Constitution was divinely inspired.
You and folks like you consider it to be just a piece of paper, until your
unalienable rights are trampled upon, and then, you are the first to run
seeking the protection from government agents or agencies, under the guise
of the Constitution.

The City of Los Angeles' boycott of another State is nothing less than a
Letter of Reprisal.   It would be the same in principal, if the City of Los
Angeles "boycotted", or "banned"  Arizona products, such as produce, (I
don't know what the Hell Arizona produces of manufactures)  but a City or
another State cannot "ban" or boycott products from another State!!  It's
that plain and simple!!

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 11:33 PM, studio <tl...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> On May 13, 3:34 pm, Keith In Tampa <keithinta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am just flat out amazed by this.   First, I am amazed, because such a
> > boycott by the City of Los Angeles is unconstitutional on its face.  Such
> a
> > boycott is in direct violation of Article 1, Section 10 of the United
> States
> > Constitution, and the Governor of "Cal-i-forn-i-a"  should immediately
> > strike this boycott post haste, as well as the Congress sending a letter
> of
> > censure to the Mayor and City Counsel of Los Angeles.
> I flat out amazed you think it's unConstitutional???
> Any person, town, city, county, state or nation is free to boycott
> practically anything they want to.
> > Note, that none of our liberal, or Libertarian members who purportedly
> hold
> > the Constitution dear, have chosen to comment or condemn this
> > unconstitutional act!!
> That's probably because they know it isn't?
> ---
> I did reread Article 1 Section 10...
> I like how it says; ...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a
> tender in Payment of Debts;...
> I believe they put the capital letters in words they wanted
> emphasized.
> I also believe parts of the Constitution are hopelessly outdated and
> purposely vague or ambiguous.
> Nor do I believe the writers of the Constitution were somehow smarter
> than modern people.
> It's akin to saying Newtons Laws of physics were the end all of
> physics and no further research into the matter is needed.
> Of course there are Conservatives who would in fact want it that way.
> --
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