On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 2:32:34 PM UTC+2, Leandro Facchinetti 
> My impression is that you do not want `(bullet-list ,@args), because it 
> creates a txexpr right away. Instead, you should try (apply bullet-list 
> args). Note the lack of the quasiquote (backquote, `) and unquote-splicing 
> (,@). This does not immediately create a txexpr, but calls ‘bullet-list’ as 
> a function, which in turn will generate a txexpr. 

Yes, my calling a bit wrong there. I was just grabbing the last attempt. 
Yes, apply is the better way. I still get the same error message though if 
I try to eval the results.

The bullet-list function already creates a txexpr, but I'd like to call 
that txexpr as a function. I'll try to explain again and try to remove the 
HTML duality. Let's say that bullet-list generates the txexpr:

  (list-item (paragraph "Foo"))
  (list-item (paragraph "Bar"))
  (list-item (paragraph "Baz")))

And I have pollen tags for 'unorderd-list, 'list-item, and 'paragraph that 
do different things for HTML and LaTeX. 

Is there a way that I can make the txexpr call those tag functions (i.e., 
unordered-list, list-item, and paragraph)?

Or is the idea that once you've reached a txexpr you are at the end of the 
line and no more processing should happen?

Best regards,


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