2018-01-26 0:16 GMT+01:00 Joel Dueck <dueckofe...@gmail.com>:

> Jens —
>   I assume you mean that when you go to https://thenotepad.org/posts/
> pollen-footnotes-approach.html and
  print that page in your browser, the footnotes run in with the text,
> correct?


> Two things to note:
> 1.  The technique I discuss in that article is one that I'll be using on a
> *different* site—it is not the technique I actually use on that page.
(I wondered/worried if that would be confusing as I was writing it.)

I jumped to conclusions :-)

>   1a. The footnotes *on* the page (the sidenote-style ones) don't print
> well via the browser, and that's actually another point against them that I
> didn't mention.
>   1b. The footnotes made *with the technique discussed in* the page
> should print just fine.

My problem is that I know how to generate HTML, but I am inexperienced in
writing CSS.
I have problems getting my side notes to show correctly when printed - so I
was sort of hoping
you had some CSS I could steal :-)

Right now pages with side notes become too wide when printed. The text does
get the correct
width. The wide page has the side effect of tricking Chrome to scale SVGs
*way* too large
though - so I'll need to fix the problem somehow. (I want my side notes to
appear as side notes
also in the printed version).

Your discussion on what features you want from footnotes / side notes is
very nice,
and I think I'll change this-and-that in how I handle side notes.

/Jens Axel

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