MacOSX (Leopard) does not exhibit the same issue.  Perhaps that
indicates a 32-bit vs. 64-bit issue?

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 9:21 AM, Matthew Fluet <> wrote:
> David,
> With that change, I was able to successfully compile MLton with
> Poly/ML; unfortunately, the PolyML.export-ed executable gives a "Bus
> error" (on MacOSX (Snow Leopard)).  I'll see if I get a different
> result on Linux and if I can reduce the issue.
> -Matthew
> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 6:00 AM, David Matthews
> <> wrote:
>> Matthew,
>> Thanks for reporting that.  I've installed a fix; well more of a work-around
>> really and your example now compiles.  I managed to reduce it a few lines
>> which are now in the regression test suite.
>> Regards,
>> David
>> Matthew Fluet wrote:
>>> David,
>>> Poly/ML 5.4 (SVN r1192) gives an InternalError exception on the
>>> attached program.
>>> [...@graywolf mlton-polyml-bug]$ cat mlton-polyml.use | poly
>>> Poly/ML 5.4 Experimental
>>> ...
>>>> Exception- InternalError: getPolyVars: Unable to get type vars raised
>>>> while compiling
>>> Exception-
>>>   Fail
>>>  "Exception- InternalError: getPolyVars: Unable to get type vars
>>> raised while compiling"
>>>   raised
>>> -Matthew
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