I use Visual Studio 2015 as the primary build environment. There are project files and a "solution" that mean it should build straight out of the box. For me, the main advantage is that the debugger for C++ is fully integrated with the file editor. I find using gdb painful.

However, there are drawbacks. Building on Msys/mingw is exactly the same as building on all the other platforms, using "configure" and "make". It's easy to script and provide the configure options you want. It is possible to use Visual Studio to provide options to the build process but that really means creating custom configurations with the appropriate options. It may be possible to use Visual Studio through the command line but it's not something I've tried.


On 08/03/2018 15:36, Makarius wrote:
Dear Windows experts,

the task is to build the Poly/ML such that:

   * the build works on the command-line / in batch mode

   * the resulting poly.exe is a command-line tool, not a Windows desktop

Based on recommendations by David Matthews from some years ago, I have
done that so far with MinGW -- using a rather old version of gcc. See also:



(with specific options for x86-windows and x86_64-windows)

I wonder if it would be better to use the free community version of
Visual Studio instead: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads

Has anybody tried this and can report some experience with it?

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