On 07/11/2020 11:56, Makarius wrote:
The above problem is rather profane: I am using Foreign.loadLibrary with the
symbolic path "$ML_HOME/sha1.dll" (or .so), but that gets normalized at
compile-time. Later at run-time, the Isabelle directory hierarchy might have
been moved elsewhere (e.g. a user downloading our pre-built distribution and
unpacking it locally).

I can see the problem.  The path is captured when the code is compiled.

This isn't a big problem but fixing it needs a small change to the Foreign structure.

The key to understanding this is that there is a difference between Foreign.System.loadLibrary/getSymbol and Foreign.loadLibrary/getSymbol. The former call the underlying system calls immediately to get the address, the latter don't. Instead they create functions that only call the system when those functions are themselves called. The result is then cached. Internally in the high-level Foreign structure the "library" and "symbol" types are both defined as "unit->voidStar". This means that although buildCall1, say, takes a "symbol" as an argument and compiles an interface function containing the "symbol" it is actually compiling a function that needs to call a function to get the address.

Underneath all this is the Foreign.Memory.volatileRef which is a special kind of ref that can contain a C address but is always cleared to zero at the start of a session. This can be used to cache the address of the entry point to a function that could be different in different runs or on different machines. If a volatileRef is written out with PolyML.SaveState.saveState it will always be reset to zero when it is loaded in with PolyML.SaveState.loadState.

What is needed is a hook so that when Foreign.library actually calls Foreign.System.loadLibrary it first calls your function to get the path. It would do this once immediately before calling "sha1_buffer" for the first time during any run.

I'll think how best to do this.

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