Hi, I just thought I would update everyone on all the people in my 
family who I asked prayers for and also once again I find I must ask 
prayers for others, including myself..... Well first my niece 
Chontelle and my uncle Erine are both doing well, still not 100% 
better but they are improving. My cousin Dennis is doing better and 
they sent him home once he improved (because his doctor was going on 
holidays) but now he has to return to Edmonton for more tests as they 
still don't know what is wrong with him....... From what I've heard 
he is getting around a bit better but is still very much under the 
Last night my mom phoned her sister (wife to Uncle Erine) and she 
asked me to pass on a prayer request. Years ago their daughter 
Rosemary was engaged to a man named Mike Major but my cousin Rosemary 
developed cancer and passed away before they could be married, now 
Mike Major is married and has kids of his own but everyone is worried 
because he had a mole from his forehead removed and the doctors said 
it didn't look good but they are still waiting for the report to come 
back on the mole. So my aunt asked if I would pass on a prayer 
request for Mike so that everything turns out okay for him and his 
I am also asking for a prayer request for myself...... you see I 
suffer from sever anxiety disorder.... I've had it for years but it 
has always come and gone ( will not totally gone but at least I was 
able to cope with life to some degree) but lately it just stays with 
me. It has really hit me hard this time, and the panic attacks are 
very hard to take as they never seem to really go away. The doctor 
has once again started me on pills, the last time I was on some pills 
(different then what I take now) they left me in a dark and numbing 
void. In away I did a dumb thing and took myself off the pills but I 
was feeling better after they where out of my system but the anxiety 
has gotten so bad at times that I knew I had to ask the doctor for 
something so I could cope with just daily life. I only started the 
pills a couple of days ago so they still haven't had much affect on 
me, I can only wait to see if they help.
Being that anxiety comes from a chemical imbalance in the brain it 
will never really go away, and I will have to live with this for the 
rest of my life, from what I've learned it runs in the family and I 
do know of some of my dad's sister's having it.... what a thing to 
inherit...... I don't know of any other relative who has to the 
extent that I do. Just call me lucky.......  :o( 
Please prayer for me that the Good Lord will see fit to cure me of 
this disabling problem..... so I can finally have a life..... 
Thank you all, 

"[M]y ministry is that of servus servorum Dei."
--Pope John Paul II (Ut Unum Sint, no. 88)

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock
I will build my church, and the powers of death
shall not prevail against it."
--Matthew 16:18 
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