CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2020/03/08 10:28:41

Log message:
    Import py-importlib_metadata 0.23, from maintainer Renaud Allard
    importlib_metadata is a library which provides an API for accessing an
    installed packages metadata (see PEP 566), such as its entry points or
    its top-level name. This functionality intends to replace most uses of
    pkg_resources entry point API and metadata API. Along with
    importlib.resources in Python 3.7 and newer (backported as
    importlib_resources for older versions of Python), this can eliminate
    the need to use the older and less efficient pkg_resources package.
    (i only fixed the DESCR which was from another port..)
    dependency for upcoming synapse/matrix server port.
    ok solene@
    Vendor Tag: rallard
    Release Tags:       landry_20200308
    N ports/devel/py-importlib-metadata/Makefile
    N ports/devel/py-importlib-metadata/distinfo
    N ports/devel/py-importlib-metadata/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/devel/py-importlib-metadata/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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