CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2020/03/08 10:46:03

Log message:
    Import py-signedjson 1.1, from maintainer Renaud Allard
    Signs JSON objects with ED25519 signatures.
    - More than one entity can sign the same object.
    - Each entity can sign the object with more than one key making it
    easier to rotate keys
    - ED25519 can be replaced with a different algorithm.
    - Unprotected data can be added to the object under the "unsigned" key.
    dependency for upcoming synapse/matrix server port.
    ok solene@
    Vendor Tag: rallard
    Release Tags:       landry_20200308
    N ports/textproc/py-signedjson/Makefile
    N ports/textproc/py-signedjson/distinfo
    N ports/textproc/py-signedjson/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/textproc/py-signedjson/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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