
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 07:11:49PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
>Marc Espie wrote:

>>You have an issue with the way you do stuff. If you install enough packages
>>to have these scroll by and get lost, then use tools to store the output,
>>like script and friends...

>No fun on ports, I tell you.
>I still think the 'hook' doing it for me is much easier.

>> I'm at a loss, I *never* had to deal with this
>>issue, I always have something like the scrollbar of my xterm to get back
>>to the messages...

>Everyone works differently. Quite frequently there is no xterm. On my 
>servers never. And then I sit in front of them ...

Then, script (from base!) or screen (from ports) can help.

For screen, be sure to increase the scrollback, something like
  defscrollback 500
in your .screenrc helps much.

>>Well, tell you what, I'll get pkg_add and pkg_delete to print a summary
>>of what changed (+pkg1 pkg2 -pkg1 pkg2).

>Oh, that would be something ! And once you have it, why not add three 
>lines to *display* pkg_info -M /var/db/pkg/foo_s/+DISPLAY if these exist 
>? Then I can seat myself in front of an xterm (I usually don't) and do 
>what I actually proposed, at least conceptually.

And with screen, you can even cut&paste with the keyboard only.
Or use the cut&paste features of wsmoused.


Kind regards,


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